Developing dedicated software
- Improving Fuel Efficiency
“Creating economical advantage over the competition by reducing fuel consumption.”
- Fleet Management in the Cloud
“Managing multiple vessels having real-time technical and administrative overview. ”
- Vibration Monitoring
“Sailing through the barred speed range for a period of time can be a threat for the continuity and safety of the vessel.”
Oil & Gas
- Making the Invisible Visible
“By reproducing this effect on a smaller scale in a controlled environment these reactions can be analysed.”
- Pilot Plants
“User friendly framework for Pilot plants in petrochemical, ceramic and metallurgic research facilities.”
- Mass Spectrometry
“This driver can be used to fully control measurements on a mass spectrometer, as well as start and stop the filament.”
Laboratory & Industry
- Cutting Through Steel
“Flexibility and speed are key in controlling high speed production systems.”
- Laboratory Sample Logistics
“Managing samples in laboratories and providing logistical data in a centralized database.”
- Experiment Results to PI & LIMS
“The PI-interface, Wizzo developed in collaboration with PI-specialists, enables data of any device to be stored into PI or LIMS.”

When it comes to developing software for industrial or high performing applications, it is a comforting thought to let the expertise of Wizzo guide you through this process.
Our engineers are trained and skilled LabVIEW programmers. They are experienced software engineers in developing measurement and control applications.
Our expertise lies not only in heavy duty areas like industry, marine, oil and gas but extends to the needs of laboratory and even aerospace.
The strength of Wizzo is the ability to look through the eyes of the end-user and understanding the needs of the solution. This philosophy allows us to deliver user friendly products.
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