Upgrading to Windows 7 or Windows 10

With Windows XP no longer being supported, Wizzo has received many requests to advise in Windows conversions of active measurement systems.

Windows XP


Windows XP served us for 12 years and proved to be a stable platform for many applications including Test & Measurement solutions. However all good things come to an end.

This also applies to this product. Microsoft followed Windows XP up with a stable operating system like Windows 7 and has recently released Windows 10.

Running applications

Due to hardware, drivers, runtime engines and the connectivity with external devices, upgrading a software application proves to be more than just re-installing. An upgrade strategy is necessary to provide an easy transition.

Smoothly upgrading your application

Wizzo has developed a method to streamline the upgrade process from Windows XP to a newer operating system. Our method is successfully applied at a number of clients. With these migration projects we have established a knowledgebase with typical and specific upgrade facts.

This knowledgebase allows us to use the most effective migration route and reduces the total time of the migration.

Installed base

Besides computer systems in laboratory, we have upgraded production and control systems in factories and workshops as well. During the process, every system is well documented and added to our installed base. With the registration of vendor specific hardware, software and services, we are able to maintain the systems in the future.

Interested in our method?

For information regarding this matter please call us at +31 251 829410 or mail to info@wizzo.nl

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